Simple. Beautiful. Modern.

Create beautifully designed polls in under a minute. Choose from a library of templates or customize your own template. With many types of customization, you will make the poll your poll. Create an account to unlock even more features.

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11.775 Polls were created and successfully delivered.
289.766 Users have answered questions.

Full-Featured. Seriously.

Our polls have many unique features that you will not find anywhere else. This allows you to create the most beautiful yet simple poll. Customize everything to make it your poll and say once and for all bye to those ugly polls.

Advanced Statistics

Advanced Statistics

Password Protect

Password Protect

Customizable Polls

Customizable Polls

Adaptive Design

Adaptive Design

Blazing-Fast Loading

Blazing-Fast Loading

Pixel-Perfect Themes

Pixel-Perfect Themes

Responsive. Try it yourself.

Our polls are desgined to fit your design and all screens. Each theme will automatically adjust itself to the size of the screen of the user, regardless of the device. We've also made them to work with older browsers, giving you the peace of mind.

Simple. You won't believe it.

We've designed our polls to be as simple as possible by giving you the options to easily customize them as you or your company requires.

Manage Polls

Manage Polls

Analyze Data

Analyze Data

Export Data

Export Data